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Pg. 39-41 Influence of 1-MCP at simulated controlled atmosphere transport conditions and MAP storage on litchi quality

The present investigations aim to replace sulphur dioxide fumigation as a post-harvest treatment to ensure product quality and shelf life. Litchi fruit cv. McLean’s Red harvested during the late season were subjected to 1-MCP fumigation at two different concentrations (moderate and lower) for 3 h, and thereafter held under two different controlled atmosphere conditions (CA-1, 17% 02 + 6% CO2; CA-2, 7% CO2 + 3% O2) separately at 4°C to simulate export conditions. After 21 days cold storage, fruits were packed in MAP (17% 02 + 6% CO2) and stored at 10°C to simulate the supply chain on the European Union side. Fruits fumigated with 1-MCP at moderate concentration-A, held at CA-1 (17% O2 + 6% CO2) controlled fungal decay and retained the natural pinkish red colour of the litchi pericarp. However, 1-MCP at moderate concentration-A with CA-2 (7% CO2 + 3% O2) showed a deep red colour with higher a and b values. Although the higher CO2 (7% CO2 + 3% O2) under CA-2 conditions showed limited yeast decay, the physico-chemical
properties, SSC/TA and ascorbic content were slightly affected by this treatment. Therefore, 1-MCP at moderate concentrations has potential for commercial applications during transport under CA. However, the optimized moderate concentrations of 1-MCP must be tested on the extension of post-harvest life of cv. Mauritius as a fumigation agent prior to storage under CA. In order to confirm the commercial application, future trials should be carried out in pack houses from different locations and early vs. late seasonal fruit.

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