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Pg. 9-14 The Physiology of Growth and Cropping in Lychee

Lychee or litchi (Litchi chinensis Sann.) is the most popular member of the Sapindaceae family that includes the related Jongan and rambutan. Lychee originated m the area near southern China and northern Vietnam, but has now spread to many countries: The largest producers are in South-East Asia (China, Vietnam, Thatiand and lnd,a), but the fruit is also popular in Africa (South Africa and Madagascar), Indonesia, Australia, the USA, Mexico, Spain and Israel. Average
yields range from 1 to 15 t ha-1. Cropping is best in subtropical climates or at elevation in the tropics. In contrast, plant growth is acceptable across a range of soil types, provided the topsoil is well drained and attention is paid to micronutrient supply There are at least 100 varieties, but cultivation is generally limited to fewer than ten in most production areas. Some industries, in fact, are based on a single cultivar. The physiology of lychee growth, flowering and cropping is described, including the impacts of weather on flower initiation, a critical period during the production cycle. Orchard management including watering, fertilising, girdling, growth regulators and pruning can also have a large impact on tree growth yield and profitability Possible areas for future research and development are indicated.

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