- Pg. 7-8 Pollination of Bengal Litchi During the 1992 Flowering Season at Politsi: First Report
- Pg. 9-12 Studies on the Morphology, Viability and Storage of Pollen Grains of Litchi (Litchi Chinensis Sonn)
- Pg. 13-14 Preliminary Report on the Natural Occurrence of Insect Pollinators in a Litchi Orchard
- Pg. 15-16 Teling en Ontwikkeling van Verbeterde Lietsjiekultivars
- Pg. 17-20 Evalurering van Litchikultivars en Belowende Seleksies (Fase II) in Verskillende Produksiegebiede
- Pg. 21-23 Beheer van die Grootete van Lietsjiebome deur middel van Snoei en Chemiese Groeireguleerders
- Pg. 24-28 Response of Litchi to Drought: Water Status, Photosynthesis, Growth and Yield of Trees Growing in a Sandy Loam Soil
- Pg. 29-31 Drought Strategies for Litchi Orchards
- Pg. 32-35 Litchi (Litchi Chinensis Sonn) Pericarp Colour Retention
- Pg. 36-38 Control of Post-Harvest Decay and Browning of Litchi Fruit by Sodium Metabisulphite and Low pH Dips – An Update
- Pg. 39-41 Litchi Production in Israel