- Pg. 3-4 Litchi Dieback
- Pg. 5-10 The Long-term Effect of Growth Regulators and Pruning on the Size, Yield and Fruit Quality of Litchi Trees
- Pg. 11-16 Litchi Fruit Growth Depends on Current CO2 Assimilation rather than on Stored Reserves
- Pg. 17-19 Results from Potted Litchis under Drought not Necessarily Applicable to Field Grown Trees
- Pg. 21-25 The Structure of the Litchi Inflorescence in Relation to the Position and Sex of the Flowers
- Pg. 26-30 Possible Pollination Factors Causing Fruit Drop in Litchi (Litchi Chinenesis Sonn)
- Pg. 31-32 Pollination and Fruit-Set in Bengal Litchi During the 1993 Flowering Season at Politsi: Second Report
- Pg. 33-34 Report on the Natural Occurrence of Insect Pollinators in a Litchi Orchard: 1993/94
- Pg. 35-37 ITSG-Lietsjieteelprogram
- Pg. 38-40 Vordering met Evaluering van Litchikultivars en Belowende Seleksies (Fase II) in Verskillende Produksiegebiede
- Pg. 41-43 Clonal Propagation of Litchis by Cuttings
- Pg. 44-46 Postharvest Sulphuring and Low pH Treatment for Retention of Red Skin Colour of Litchi Fruit
- Pg. 47-52 Litchi (Litchi Chinesis Sonn) Pericarp Colour Retention – Alternatives to Sulphur