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- Pg. 6-10 Effect of the time of bud-break in winter, as manipulated by the commencement of irrigation, on flowering intensity of ‘Mauritius’ litchi trees
- Pg. 12-13 Determination of fruit quality of litchi cv. Mauritius in different orchards
- Pg. 14-17 Evaluating Maxim for the increase in fruit size and retention in litchi
- Pg. 18-25 Effect of different management programs on yield and fruit size of litchi, cv. HLH Mauritius
- Pg. 26-33 Relationship between harvest date and post-harvest fruit quality after extended cold storage in ‘Madras’ litchi
- Pg. 34-37 Evaluate four different loading rates of Litchi Fruit Moth Pheromone Mix (Z 8-12 Ac 95%: E 8-12 Ac 5%) within the novel Last Call™ matrix against Cryptophlebia peltastica
- Pg. 38-40 Evaluating seven pheromone compounds for attracting Litchi Fruit Moth (Cryptophlebia peltastica) on Hamawasha Farm in Tzaneen, South Africa
- Pg. 41-50 Pre-harvest moth control and moth breeding
- Pg. 51-57 ldentification of Penicillium species in the litchi export chain
- Pg. 58-62 Microbial ecology of litchi fruit surfaces
- Pg. 63-65 Control of post-harvest diseases of litchi fruit with different fungicides and fungicide mixtures applied as dip treatments
- Pg. 66-70 Post-harvest control of diseases of litchi fruit with prochloraz
- Pg. 71-75 Prediction and improvement of storage potential of South African litchi fruit in the country of import
- Pg. 76-79 The effect of packaging and biological disease control on the retention of litchi colour and quality
- Pg. 80-83 The effect of pre-harvest application of chemicals on post-harvest decay development on litchis
- Pg. 84-86 Effect of packaging on fruit quality retention of litchi cv. McLean’s Red during long term low temperature storage
- Pg. 88-92 Absence of Staphylococcus aureus in the litchi export chain