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Fruit Growth
- Pg. 24-28 Response of Litchi to Drought: Water Status, Photosynthesis, Growth and Yield of Trees Growing in a Sandy Loam Soil
- Pg. 5-10 The Long-term Effect of Growth Regulators and Pruning on the Size, Yield and Fruit Quality of Litchi Trees
- Pg. 11-16 Litchi Fruit Growth Depends on Current CO2 Assimilation rather than on Stored Reserves
- Pg. 20-25 Effects of Current CO2 Assimilation and Stored Reserves on Lychee Fruit Growth
- Pg. 14-18 Management Strategies to Maximise Light Utilisation, Control Growth and Initiate Flowering in a Litchi Orchard
- Pg. 17-20 Preliminary Results of the Effect of Plant Growth Substances on Litchi Fruit Size and Retention
- Pg. 33-37 The use of plant growth substances to reduce fruit drop and increase fruit size in litchi
- Pg. 63-71 The use of plant growth substances to reduce fruit drop and increase fruit size in litchi
- Pg. 27-28 Establishment of a management program to increase fruit retention, size and yield: Preliminary report
- Pg. 14-17 Evaluating Maxim for the increase in fruit size and retention in litchi
- Pg. 18-25 Effect of different management programs on yield and fruit size of litchi, cv. HLH Mauritius
- Pg. 6-14 Progress on the management program to improve yield and fruit size of litchi, cv. HLH Mauritius
- Pg. 19-22 Evaluating Maxim® for the increase in fruit size and retention in litchi: Second season
- Pg. 6-12 A management programme to improve yield and fruit size of litchi, cv. HLH Mauritius – third season’s report
- Pg. 6-15 A management program to improve yield and fruit size of litchi, cv. HLH Mauritius – Final report