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- Pg. 10-14 Post-harvest control of decay and browning of litchi fruit by fungicide dips and paper sheets impregnated with sodium metabisulphite
- Pg. 21-22 Die na-oesbehandeling van Madraslietsjies
- Pg. 23-25 Swaweldioksiedberoking
- Pg. 15-16 SO2 Residues in Litchi Fruit after Post-Harvest SO2 Treatments (1990)
- Pg. 17-18 SO2 Residu van Berookte Mauritius-Lietsjies
- Pg. 19-20 An Update on Commercial SO2 Treatment of Export Litchi Fruit
- Pg. 44-46 Postharvest Sulphuring and Low pH Treatment for Retention of Red Skin Colour of Litchi Fruit
- Pg. 44-47 A Comparison of Different Postharvest Treatments and Packing Materials for McLean’s Red Litchi Fruit
- Pg. 32-36 Research on Alternatives to Post-Harvest Sulphur Fumigation of Litchi Fruit
- Pg. 37-43 Post-Harvest Technology of Fresh Lychee: Commercial Perspectives from Thailand
- Pg. 44-46 Effect of Heat-Acid Treatement on Quality of Lychee Fruit
- Pg. 57 An Overview of Post-Harvest Storage of Mauritius Litchi Fruit
- Pg. 28-33 Report on the 1997/8 Season Litchi Post-Harvest Trails
- Pg. 33-36 Evaluation of the Postharvest Characteristics of Litchi Fruit from the Cultivar Development Programme
- Pg. 37-41 Research on Alternative Postharvest Treatments for Litchi Fruit
- Pg. 15-18 Postharvest Hot Water Treatments for Litchi
- Pg. 25-30 Development and Refinement of Litchi Postharvest Treatments
- Pg. 31-34 Evaluation of the Postharvest Characteristics of Litchi Fruit from the Cultivar Development Program: 2000
- Pg. 17-22 Evaluation of Modified Atmosphere Packaging Products on Post-harvest Pericarp Browning in Litchi Fruit
- Pg. 23-27 The Refinement of the Promising Low pH ”Acid B” Post-Harvest Treatment
- Pg. 31-37 Evaluation of the Post-harvest Characteristics of Litchi Fruit from the Cultivar Development Program: 2000/2001
- Pg. 1-4 A mini-review: Post-harvest diseases in litchi and their control
- Pg. 29-35 Semi-commercial Evaluation of the ‘Acid-B’ Litchi Postharvest Treatment and Laboratory Evaluation of Alternative ‘Acid-B’ Cocktails
- Pg. 6-9 Preliminary evaluation of SO2 sheets to prevent postharvest diseases of South African export litchi fruit
- Pg. 24-32 Fungal postharvest pathogens of litchi fruit in South Africa
- Pg. 26-30 Litchi post-harvest preservation using packaging and biological control techniques
- Pg. 40-46 Effect of different post-harvest treatments on retention and overall quality of litchi fruit during low temperature storage
- Pg. 9-15 Flowering and fruit retention of Mauritius litchi as affected by post-harvest pruning and pre-flowering treatments to stimulate bud-development
- Pg. 26-33 Relationship between harvest date and post-harvest fruit quality after extended cold storage in ‘Madras’ litchi
- Pg. 51-57 ldentification of Penicillium species in the litchi export chain
- Pg. 63-65 Control of post-harvest diseases of litchi fruit with different fungicides and fungicide mixtures applied as dip treatments
- Pg. 66-70 Post-harvest control of diseases of litchi fruit with prochloraz
- Pg. 42-45 Effect of post-harvest storage temperature and silicon on colour retention and pathogen control of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)
- Pg. 46-48 The effect of modified atmosphere packaging and post-harvest treatments on the microbial population of litchi fruit
- Pg. 75-77 The effect of different pre-harvest strobilurin applications on post-harvest decay development on litchi fruit
- Pg 40-47 Evaluation of Postharvest Fertiliser Application Times to Support Strong Bearning Branches After Harvest